What's it like to live on a farm? Here's a few windows into what our daily lives look like on the farm and at home.
Rochelle. Stirring up some sourdough for our daily bread |
In our kitchen, making a batch of ravioli, bread and good conversation.
Wesley, Kayla and Rochelle. |
Outdoor house cat, Lentil in the tree hiding from the dogs |
All hands on deck as the crew churns out a batch of pumpkin ravioli! |
Clay's first batch of woodstove bread, waiting to be cooked |
Emily and Mike, boiling the ravioli's |
"This isn't a carrot" carrot pulled from my carrot patch.
I thought it was a weed, but much to my surprise when I pulled it out it was a mammoth carrot! |
My carrot patch! On the right is a pea patch in the making.... |
Attentive listeners Clay and Brian tuning into lecture up at Bob's place |
Our teacher and mentor, Bob Cannard |
Amanda, enjoying a fresh tangerine picked right off the tree at Bob's place |
The crew, getting a demo on composting |
In the greenhouse, our first batch of germinating seeds. Each intern was given 4 flats to plant four different varieties of seeds during the weekend of the full moon. |
Sprouting up! Salad bowl lettuce is beginning to grow |
Early morning yoga as the sun rises over the hills, led by Cricket with appearances from Farley the farm dog |
Our chickens |
Getting up close and personal with a fine feathered friend. Thanks for the golden eggs every morning! |
Amanda and Brian out collecting the greens for the chickens. The more greens they eat the more golden the yoke! |
In the morning we go out to the fields to harvest the bounty for the farm store.
Pulling up beets and cutting red chard was this mornings venture. |
A box of harvested beets ready to be washed. Yummm! |
Beautiful beats drying in the sun after their harvest bath |
Emily getting a box of goldies ready to take to the store |
Mike, Clay and the beets |
Wesley with the beet bunches |
Colleen in the brussel sprout patch |
A happy stalk of brussel sprouts, ready for harvesting |
In the heart of the leafs hides a small head of green cabbage |
Chip making signs for the farm store |
Instead of snowmen, we build pumpkin people |
Time to compost all those leftovers Rochelle |
sweet pics fern! looks like it's all right there...dive in.